How to delete and recreate from scratch an existing EF Code First database. If you worked the correct way to create. Does EFCore3 have a “php artisan migrate. Php artisan key:generateコマンドを使用し、このキーを生成すべきです。このArtisanコマンドはPHPの安全なランダムバイトジェネレータを使用し、キーを作成します。この値が確実に指定されていないと、Laravelにより暗号化された値は、すべて安全ではありません.

  1. Key Generator

The key:generate command is used to generate a random key. This command will update the key stored in the application's environment file. The command also supports an optional --show flag. Specifying this flag will simply show the generated key instead of updating any configuration or environment files.

Php Artisan Key Generate Renew

The following example demonstrates how to update/change the application's key:

Regenerating the Application Key


It is important to note that if the encryption key needs to be regenerated after an application has been in use, any data that was previously encrypted using the old key cannot be decrypted using the new encryption key. While regenerating the encryption key is not recommended, there are some scenarios where it is beneficial, if not absolutely critical to do so.


When these scenarios arise, the problems can be overcome by decrypting the old data and reapplying the encryption using the new encryption key.

The following example will simply display the generated key instead of displaying it:

Key Generator

The output will be similar to the following, but the key will most likely be different: